I’m just in the process of re building a Vintage V6 Gibbo SG copy at the moment……not that a 250 quid plank is worth fixing after having a ‘Townsend’ done on it like this one ……it’s just that this one came to me as a freebie and I have always had a soft spot for SGs, even fake ones.
The body was split completely in two when it was given to me in a sad plastic bag….the neck was smashed off, headstock split and several frets badly damaged. Normally I’d have stripped off the hardware and consigned the splintered woody bits to the nearest bin….adding the Wilkinson pickups and other bits to my parts store. I hesitated with this axe - I had played it before its violent demise and it was quite smooth but not remarkable in any way – I just could not bring myself to junk the not-so-old girl.
I started the SG’s resurrection by carefully sash-clamping and gluing the body back together while juggling the remains of the neck into position and gluing and clamping that back too. I fixed the split headstock last
I now had a cherry red Frankenstein’s jigsaw guitar….all in one piece again, but a mass of chipped glue lines. I am still making my mind up what finish I am going to put on the damn thing once I have sanded the stubborn thick polyester off the instrument. Chemical strippers don’t touch ‘Poly’ unfortunately.
For those of you interested I will catalog my progress until the beast is singing once more.
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